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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0293c140.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-21  |  314KB  |  621x846  |  8-bit (252 colors)
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OCR: THE MONEY RANKINGS: TAXABLE BOND FUNDS FUND NAME prejeatior Smith BarnoyWorld GlobalGov.Bonc WI 11.0 $112.3 3114 Stageceach i GNNA MBS 0.0 132.3 BllOCotOr STI 314,876 97. SisinRoel :Incorna 153 10.1 15.899 61.9 SteinRoe HGC 10. 10.4 1,256 121.3 Bond STT 10.2 10.0 15.895 271.2 Stran Advantage STT 250.6 Stran Government Securitios JSG 10. 10.9 :5.824 76.6 var Siron Shori-Tonm Bond STT 5.29 744.8 SunAr Imcrica Federal Seonritics MES 5.695 131.5 Nane2 Migh Incamo HYC 20. 10. 5,540 $2.3 Nune SanAmerici Ineo. USG 4.232 $7. 4.75 119 Income -High Yield HYC .339 26.8 4.75 130 SanAmerica U.S Govommomt Sacurifies USG :4.727 12 (1.0p 1.201.0 None 114 ToI plotonincom 14,703 10. 178.9 100 HGC 14243 242.0 None 103 Short-Intermt diateGaverament: S11 13:.0 None 82 Thonson 1U.5 Government B USC 15.064 531.0 ...